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Mikasa Pharmaceutical Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Ointment 40g

Mikasa Pharmaceutical Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Ointment 40g

Regular price $65.00
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____ 

It has an icy and cooling feeling when applied, which is quite healing (the key point is that it is not sticky or uncomfortable)
❤Suitable for: low back pain, sprains, shoulder pain, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle fatigue... and other soreness problems,
❤Effectively relieves inflammation and pain. Designed with a non-stick ointment, it can be conveniently used anytime and anywhere!

➤ Usually use it wherever there is acid. Put your finger on the bottom of the jar to push the ointment out! When the ointment is applied to the affected area, it will not stain your hands.
➤Just apply it and you will feel a slight cooling effect. It is suitable for low back pain and sprains. , shoulder pain, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle fatigue

Depending on the soreness, apply it to the sore area once to several times a day.

⚠️Tips: Not recommended for pregnant women and young children! !


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