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日本 Jill Stuart Beauty|Lifestyle Collection - Lip mask|白色花香 ✿ 奶茶合湊 ✿ 甘美漿果|水潤唇膜 7g

日本 Jill Stuart Beauty|Lifestyle Collection - Lip mask|白色花香 ✿ 奶茶合湊 ✿ 甘美漿果|水潤唇膜 7g

今週の快閃 28/10~3/11/2024

定價 $189.00
定價 售價 $189.00
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____


・A lip balm that virtually melts on and imbues lips with rich moisture to leave them plump and soft.

・Has a soft texture and moderate adhesion achieved by using minimal wax to maintain the balm's shape, and combining most oil ingredients other than wax with thick high-viscosity oil and paste oil.

・Amino acid-based paste oil blends into a veil on the lips, while moisture-holding oil maintains hydration. Vaseline then wraps lips up to keep hydration in place, ensuring the veil adheres and continues moisturizing after application.

・Forms a supple and non-sticky veil that can also be used as a base for lipstick. Use it as a base when you want to add moisturizing to your lipstick, or when you want to give matte lipstick a glossy finish.

・Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) free, paraben free.

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