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[ 義大利 ]

意大利 🇮🇹 Alessandro Gallici Prosecco Anniversario|Rosato ★ NV|Sparkling wine 氣泡酒 750ml

意大利 🇮🇹 Alessandro Gallici Prosecco Anniversario|Rosato ★ NV|Sparkling wine 氣泡酒 750ml

Regular price $166.50
Regular price $219.00 Sale price $166.50
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Shipping methods and shipping costs

Hong Kong local

Purchase amount (HK$) ¹
Shipping method
$387 or less

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🔸 Normal temperature: SF Station/Smart Cabinet/Door Delivery🔹 Cold Shipping: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station; or door-to-door delivery
$388 Free shipping

🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express station/smart cabinet
🔹 Cold shipment: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station

㊟ If door-to-door delivery is required, SF Express freight collect

$1000 Free shipping 🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express stations/smart cabinets or optional door-to-door delivery🔹 Cold transport: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Stations; or door-to-door delivery
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【🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏Exclusively for the community】

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¹ "🔸 Normal Temperature" and "🔹 Frozen" products ➔ must be shipped separately, and freight must be calculated separately
㊟ ²Single calculation (if the goods need to be delivered in multiple deliveries, the total amount of the goods for each delivery must be calculated)
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____

🍾 Prosecco 是世界上最暢銷的氣泡酒

🍾 就性價比而言,Alessandro Gallici名列前茅。

🍾 這款為慶祝Laithwaites樂事會成立50週年而釀製,設計獨特的瓶中藏滿濃郁檸檬和成熟桃子果味完美交織。

▎🇮🇹 Alessandro Gallici Prosecco Anniversario Rosato 2020🍾

【Vivino 4.1⭐】

🍷風味:粉紅氣泡酒 – Medium body
🌍產區:Veneto, 意大利

▎🇮🇹 Alessandro Gallici Prosecco Anniversario NV🍾

【Vivino 4.1⭐】

🌍產區:Veneto, 意大利

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business.
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