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EXPO2025 大阪/關西世博覽會 吉祥物 Myaku-Myaku x Sanrio 限定毛公仔|Hello Kitty ❤︎ My Melody ❤︎ 玉桂狗 ❤︎ Kuromi ❤︎ 布甸狗 ❤︎ Hangyodon 水怪

EXPO2025 大阪/關西世博覽會 吉祥物 Myaku-Myaku x Sanrio 限定毛公仔|Hello Kitty ❤︎ My Melody ❤︎ 玉桂狗 ❤︎ Kuromi ❤︎ 布甸狗 ❤︎ Hangyodon 水怪

今週の快閃 28/10~3/11/2024

✈️ 付款後,約3-4星期到貨

Regular price $399.00
Regular price Sale price $399.00
Sale Sold out
Shipping calculated at checkout.
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Shipping methods and shipping costs

Hong Kong local

Purchase amount (HK$) ¹
Shipping method
$387 or less

Pay on collect

🔸 Normal temperature: SF Station/Smart Cabinet/Door Delivery🔹 Cold Shipping: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station; or door-to-door delivery
$388 Free shipping

🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express station/smart cabinet
🔹 Cold shipment: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station

㊟ If door-to-door delivery is required, SF Express freight collect

$1000 Free shipping 🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express stations/smart cabinets or optional door-to-door delivery🔹 Cold transport: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Stations; or door-to-door delivery
🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏 Free shipping

⓵ Please select the shipping method when placing an order.

【🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏Exclusively for the community】

⓶ Shipping method and freight details ➔ Please pay attention to the group information

¹ "🔸 Normal Temperature" and "🔹 Frozen" products ➔ must be shipped separately, and freight must be calculated separately
㊟ ²Single calculation (if the goods need to be delivered in multiple deliveries, the total amount of the goods for each delivery must be calculated)
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____

2025年日本世界博覽會協會和2025年大阪/關西世博覽會主於10 月 11 日開始,期待已久的第二款 Sanrio 三麗鷗 合作商品已經發布!

繼第一屆廣受歡迎的鑰匙圈和文具之後,這次推出是Sanrio 朋友裝扮成 Myaku-Myaku 的可愛毛毛公仔。 這款毛公仔無論從哪個角度 360 度觀看都很可愛,有 2 種尺寸可供選擇!


Hello Kitty 吉蒂貓 : 約高 190 x 寬 210 x 深 120 mm
My Melody 美樂蒂:約高 210 x 寬 190 x 深 110 mm
Cinnamoroll 玉桂狗:高 180 x 寬 210 x 深 110 mm
Kuromi 可羅米:約高 210 x 寬 220 x 深 120 mm
Pompom Purin 布甸狗:約高 190 x 寬 200 x 深 140 mm
Hangyodon 水怪:約高 190 x 寬 210 x 深 140 mm

▎毛公仔吊飾 ≪帶登山扣≫

Hello Kitty 吉蒂貓 : 約高 140 x 寬 120 x 深 90 mm
My Melody 美樂蒂:約高 150 x 寬 120 x 深 70 mm
Cinnamoroll 玉桂狗:約高 120 x 寬 120 x 深 70 mm
Kuromi 可羅米:約高 130 x 寬 120 x 深 70 mm
Pompom Purin 布甸狗:約高 130 x 寬 120 x 深 90 mm
Hangyodon 水怪:約高 130 x 寬 120 x 深 90 mm

____ 注 意 事 項 ____
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🔺 其他條款細則,請參閱本店的「條款及細則」

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