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日本 Jill Stuart Beauty|Lifestyle Collection - Body Milk|白色花香 ✿ 奶茶合湊 ✿ 甘美漿果|身體補濕潤膚乳液 250ml

日本 Jill Stuart Beauty|Lifestyle Collection - Body Milk|白色花香 ✿ 奶茶合湊 ✿ 甘美漿果|身體補濕潤膚乳液 250ml

今週の快閃 28/10~3/11/2024

Regular price $295.00
Regular price Sale price $295.00
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・Body milk that glides on smoothly and moisturizes without feeling sticky. It delivers moisture to every inch of skin and keeps it feeling hydrated.

・Choose from three types, each with different scents and moisturizing textures after use. White Floral scent leaves skin feeling moist, Milk Tea Blend is extra moist, and Luscious Berry is lightly moist.

・Emollient oil and other moisturizers deliver moisture deep (to the stratum corneum) and soften skin. The oil forms a protective veil that defends skin from dryness and gives it a supple texture.

・Formulated with carefully selected emollient oil that penetrates and blends into skin, and moisturizers that are light and smooth. It provides lasting moisture without feeling sticky, so it’s perfect for skin care before bed or going out.

・Glides on smoothly with a watery texture that moisturizes skin comfortably.

・Keeps skin moist with Hyealu Hydrator, a complex of highly moisturizing hyaluronic acid and marjoram extract.

・Moisturize skin while immersing yourself in the scents of White Floral, Milk Tea Blend or Luscious Berry.

・Paraben free.

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