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日本 Jill Stuart Beauty|Lifestyle Collection - 白色花香|護髮噴霧 ❤︎ 護髮乳 ❤︎ 抗毛躁順滑護髮油 ❤︎ 深層修護髮油

日本 Jill Stuart Beauty|Lifestyle Collection - 白色花香|護髮噴霧 ❤︎ 護髮乳 ❤︎ 抗毛躁順滑護髮油 ❤︎ 深層修護髮油

今週の快閃 28/10~3/11/2024

Regular price $265.00
Regular price Sale price $265.00
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____

▎White Floral Treatment Hair Mist 護髮噴霧 200mL

・Hair mist that repairs damage from inside and out, leaving hair smooth and manageable. It cares for the surface of hair, so light reflects beautifully to give it a glossy shine.

・Conditions cuticles on the surface of hair to prevent snagging and leave it feeling silky and supple.

・Airy mist sprays all over hair, leaving it full of fresh moisture.

・Formula cares for damage caused by blow drying and other heat, leaving hair free from dryness and stiffness.

・Enjoy the light scent of White Floral with each use.

▎White Floral Hair Milk 護髮乳 100mL

・Hair milk that repairs damage from inside and out, leaving locks smooth and manageable. It cares for the surface of hair, so light reflects beautifully to give it a glossy shine. Gloss ingredients that brightly reflect light create hair with exquisite shine like an angel’s radiant halo.

・Made with ingredients that blend well into hair for a smooth and light application, as if it simply melts on. Hair is kept moisturized but doesn't feel sticky.

・Softening ingredients work on stiff hair to give it a supple texture.

・Ingredients coat each strand of hair with a thin veil that leaves it smooth, silky and manageable.

・Formula cares for damage caused by blow drying and other heat, leaving hair free from dryness and stiffness.

・UV blocker protects hair from UV damage.

・Enjoy the light scent of White Floral with each use.

・Paraben free.

▎White Floral Hair Oil Smooth Repair  抗毛躁順滑護髮油 60mL

・Hair oil that repairs damage from inside and out, leaving hair smooth and manageable. It cares for the surface of hair, so light reflects beautifully to give it a glossy shine.

・Select botanical oils add softness and suppleness to hair and protect it from dryness.

・A penetrating oil that spreads evenly gives hair a sleek and manageable texture.

・Forms a supple veil coating on the surface of hair to prevent it from absorbing moisture. This helps prevent frizz caused by high humidity, ensuring your hairstyle lasts.

・Heat Protect Ingredient and a UV blocker protect hair from blow dryer heat and UV damage.

・Enjoy the light scent of White Floral with each use.

・Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) free, paraben free.

White Floral Hair Oil Deep Repair  抗毛躁順滑護髮油 60mL

・Hair oil that repairs damage from inside and out, leaving hair smooth and manageable. It cares for the surface of hair, so light reflects beautifully to give it a glossy shine.

・Has a rich feel and makes even dry or highly damaged hair moist and manageable.

・Oils that absorb well into hair ensure a non-greasy feel while still maintaining moisture.

・Contains ingredients that penetrate and elasticize hair, giving it softness and moistness.

・Formula cares for damage caused by blow drying and other heat, leaving hair free from dryness and stiffness.

・UV blocker protects hair from UV damage.

・Enjoy the light scent of White Floral with each use.

・Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) free, paraben free.

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