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[ 日本 ]

日本✈️直送|日本第一三共 新 Lulu A Gold DX 家庭綜合感冒藥 90錠|7 歲或以上|舒緩喉嚨痛、發燒、鼻水、鼻塞、咳嗽、痰多

日本✈️直送|日本第一三共 新 Lulu A Gold DX 家庭綜合感冒藥 90錠|7 歲或以上|舒緩喉嚨痛、發燒、鼻水、鼻塞、咳嗽、痰多

Regular price $188.00
Regular price Sale price $188.00
Sale Sold out
Shipping calculated at checkout.
  • 商品有機會在運送過程中出現熔化、裂痕、碎裂、不完美,因此請理解這一點後才購買,不設退款/退換


Hong Kong local

Purchase amount (HK$) ¹
Shipping method
$387 or less

Pay on collect

🔸 Normal temperature: SF Station/Smart Cabinet/Door Delivery🔹 Cold Shipping: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station; or door-to-door delivery
$388 Free shipping

🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express station/smart cabinet
🔹 Cold shipment: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station

㊟ If door-to-door delivery is required, SF Express freight collect

$1000 Free shipping 🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express stations/smart cabinets or optional door-to-door delivery🔹 Cold transport: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Stations; or door-to-door delivery
🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏 Free shipping

⓵ Please select the shipping method when placing an order.

【🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏Exclusively for the community】

⓶ Shipping method and freight details ➔ Please pay attention to the group information

¹ "🔸 Normal Temperature" and "🔹 Frozen" products ➔ must be shipped separately, and freight must be calculated separately
㊟ ²Single calculation (if the goods need to be delivered in multiple deliveries, the total amount of the goods for each delivery must be calculated)
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____ 

可有效舒緩感冒的 11 種難耐症狀之綜合感冒藥。
可全家服用。(7 歲或以上)

● 抗炎成分[傳明酸]與解熱鎮痛成分[乙醯胺酚]發揮作用,有效舒緩喉嚨痛、發燒症狀。

● 含長效抗組織胺成分[延胡索酸可利汀]、副交感神經抑制成分[顛茄總生物鹼]、雙重功效舒緩鼻水、鼻塞。

● 祛痰成分[布朗信鹽酸鹽],可使造成咳嗽的痰容易排出。

● 難以吞嚥藥劑的人群亦可輕鬆服用之無苦味小型糖衣錠。




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⑶ 就使用該商品前,請了解該商品之特性及相關風險,如有需要,請請求相關人士之專業意見。
⑷ 本店並不承擔任何有關責任。
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____  注 意 事 項  ____ 
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