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[ 泰國 ]

泰國 PS I Love You by PIMARA Macadamia Ball 夏威夷果仁雪球曲奇

泰國 PS I Love You by PIMARA Macadamia Ball 夏威夷果仁雪球曲奇

  • 購買任何3件 或以上,即享9折
Regular price $165.00
Regular price Sale price $165.00
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Hong Kong local

Purchase amount (HK$) ¹
Shipping method
$387 or less

Pay on collect

🔸 Normal temperature: SF Station/Smart Cabinet/Door Delivery🔹 Cold Shipping: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station; or door-to-door delivery
$388 Free shipping

🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express station/smart cabinet
🔹 Cold shipment: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station

㊟ If door-to-door delivery is required, SF Express freight collect

$1000 Free shipping 🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express stations/smart cabinets or optional door-to-door delivery🔹 Cold transport: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Stations; or door-to-door delivery
🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏 Free shipping

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【🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏Exclusively for the community】

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¹ "🔸 Normal Temperature" and "🔹 Frozen" products ➔ must be shipped separately, and freight must be calculated separately
㊟ ²Single calculation (if the goods need to be delivered in multiple deliveries, the total amount of the goods for each delivery must be calculated)
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購買任何 🍪 3件 或以上 

💥 即 享 9折 ❗️❗️


購買 1件

購買 3 件或更多

HKD 165.00 每件

HKD 148.50 每件


購買 1件

購買 3 件或更多

HKD 210.00 每件

HKD 189.00 每件

(㊟ Boxset 禮盒裝除外)

════ ⋆★⋆ ════

🌰 澳洲進口的夏威夷果仁,添加了富含豐富的被稱為「超級食物」的奇亞籽。奇亞籽是維生素、礦物質和纖維的極佳來源,其富含的omega-3脂肪酸甚至是三文魚的八倍。其豐富的功效包括預防心血管疾病、控制血糖以及保持腸道健康。所以作為特別節日的禮物總給親人及其朋友是最好不過的了。

🍪 手工製作、每日新鮮出爐;

🍪 以主要成分澳洲夏威夷果仁+奇亞籽+海鹽,再與其他朱古力、水果等食材混合研發不斷變化,創作出各種獨特新口味。

[ 口味 ] 
⓵ 經典牛油 Classic Butter
⓶ 士多啤梨 Strawberry Dust
⓷ 榴槤 Durian Dust
⓸ 朱古力麥芽 Crunchy Chocolate Malt
⓹ 脆粟米麥片 Crunchy Corn Cereal
⓺ 海鹽焦糖 Salted Caramel(只有細罐)
⓻ 朱古力脆片 Chocolate Chips 
⓼ 烤黑芝麻 Roasted Black Sesame 
⓽ 肉桂焦糖 Speculoos 
⓾ 檸檬薰衣草 Lemon Lavender
⑪ 有機紫莓香米 Riceberry Balls (Gluten Free)

[ 商品規格 ] 
細罐:約280g(12 balls)
大罐:約400g(20 balls)

[ 食用期限 ] 

[ 保存方法 ]

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