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Taiwan🇹🇼 Warm Hill Pineapple Cake 10 pieces / 15 pieces

Taiwan🇹🇼 Warm Hill Pineapple Cake 10 pieces / 15 pieces

今週の快閃 9~15/09/2024

Regular price $196.00
Regular price Sale price $196.00
Sale Sold out
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Product specifications
  • 【 今週の快閃商品 】⚠️請留意快閃日期,上架太久的商品會售罄 ⚠️ 如缺貨或未能採購,會全數退款
  • 💥💥 不收急單 💁‍♀️ 如急要,請先聯絡客服
  • 商品有機會在運送過程中出現熔化、裂痕、碎裂、不完美,因此請理解這一點後才購買,不設退款/退換

Shipping methods and shipping costs

Hong Kong local

Purchase amount (HK$) ¹
Shipping method
$387 or less

Pay on collect

🔸 Normal temperature: SF Station/Smart Cabinet/Door Delivery🔹 Cold Shipping: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station; or door-to-door delivery
$388 Free shipping

🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express station/smart cabinet
🔹 Cold shipment: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Station

㊟ If door-to-door delivery is required, SF Express freight collect

$1000 Free shipping 🔸 Normal temperature: Self-pickup at SF Express stations/smart cabinets or optional door-to-door delivery🔹 Cold transport: Self-pickup at SF Refrigerated Service Stations; or door-to-door delivery
🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏 Free shipping

⓵ Please select the shipping method when placing an order.

【🌟𝐕𝐈𝐏Exclusively for the community】

⓶ Shipping method and freight details ➔ Please pay attention to the group information

¹ "🔸 Normal Temperature" and "🔹 Frozen" products ➔ must be shipped separately, and freight must be calculated separately
㊟ ²Single calculation (if the goods need to be delivered in multiple deliveries, the total amount of the goods for each delivery must be calculated)
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____ 產 品 詳 情 ____

Best pineapple cake brand in Taiwan

Pineapples ripened under the scorching sun are cut and boiled to seal the bright sunshine into the most natural and delicious filling.

The puff pastry is made from healthy raised fresh eggs®
(You can find the production history of each one)
Kneaded with natural cream and Japanese flour;
No artificial additions

Simple and beautiful

It is a return to nature by a master chef who has been making cakes for nearly 50 years. We call it - sun-baked beauty.

Pineapple, butter, flour, eggs, sugar, maltose, milk powder, cheese powder, condensed milk, salt

storage method:
The shelf life includes the days of production and delivery, and the expiration date is mainly based on the outer box label.
Avoid places with high humidity or exposure to sunlight.

This product does not contain preservatives. To preserve freshness, please consume it as soon as possible.
This product contains gluten grains (flour), eggs, and dairy products.
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